Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unseen Scenes from Bellevue Pt. 3

The Cinema Hubbas were an ultra-famous spot here in Louisville.  In fact, I think every touring team that came through here knew about them and went there.  They had shown up in several videos and magazines, especially right toward the end of their run.  But you know, no one killed that spot like the Louisville locals.  Of course, they had a lot more time to skate them, but that's bean-counting if you ask me.  The hubbas were easily one of the most-rinsed spots in the whole city.  When the building was sold and the rumors started flying that they were tearing them down, the level of progression at the spot went through the roof.  Everybody was in a scramble to get their last licks and those few "we'll come back tomorrow" tricks still left of the to-do list.  Once the fence started going up, the situation got dire.

I don't remember how or why we ended up at the Cinemas (as they were known) this day, but it was pretty surreal to see these 7-foot tall posts driven into the parking lot, marking the line where the fence would be put up just days later.  I also don't remember whose idea it was to turn one of those posts into a polejam, but it was a great one.  Marshall Nicholson and Cole Wilson went to work on the polejam, each trying different tricks.  Cole ended up getting his and then doing it in a line that can be seen in Matt Ballard's Bellevue video. 

This was a situation where I knew right away how I wanted to shoot the photo and it ended up coming out exactly as I had pictured it in my head.  This is easily in my top-5 favorite photos that I've ever shot.  It says everything that it needs to say to me:  Kentucky, gnarly skateboarding, killer style, warm days, making the most of a bad situation, seeing the world like a skateboarder sees it, etc, etc, etc, etc.  Glad I was there for it.  Also, I'm pretty sure this is the longest polejam I've ever seen anyone do in person.

Cole Wilson, Polejam, Louisville, KY.

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