Monday, August 29, 2011

Previously Unreleased.

This photo has been sitting around for years.  I used another angle of the trick for something back when it was new (Cole's interview in theProgram, I think), but while looking for another photo, I found this version.  Upon further review, I think I actually like this one better.  I guess I'm in a "photo mood" these days, which will hopefully mean more new photos to look at.

That being said, this one is new to you.  Cole Wilson, pivot fakie, somewhere north of SF,CA.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Original Intent.

I've been skating more than shooting lately.  Infinitely moreso, in fact.  However, a recent slam has taken me out for several weeks, so I'm going to try and focus on shooting more photos.  Mostly just photos with my friends, old-man-hammer style.

I shot several of RJ's frontside surf slashes and settled on a vertical shot to post on the internet last night.  However, this morning I realized that my original intent was to shoot a horizontal photo and that I should go back and take a look at the horizontal shots.  I like this one, so I decided to post it in order to trick myself that my original idea was, in fact, good.

RJ, slash attack.